Thursday, April 29, 2010

School and Prom!

School is almost done! We have TWENTY days left! That is so exciting! Im definately ready for summer! I cant wait to get to sleep in and hae warm weather. I'm excited to be a senior! Ive already been looking at colleges and am going to vist West Virginia University this weekend. I'm also going to visit Ohio University soon. I'm not sure where I want to go yet but those two are my strongest intrests. Most colleges do not offer my major so I dont have a lot of choices. Wildlife management is not a very common major. I just cant wait to move out of this town and start college. I know that sounds crazy but I cant wait for it!

Prom was last week! It was a blast! I had so much fun. I ate at my house with Brodie and my parents and his. Then we went to get pictures at Clarys Garden! There were SO many people there! We drove a Pontiac G6 and were probably the 8th or 9th car in line. We got in really early and it was boring until more people came. But we never got rained on! Once more people got inside it was alot of fun. Everyone was dancing and having a great time! It was so hot in the gym though. I didnt really like most of the music selection. Afterwards I went to Brodies house and watched movies. I ended up going home around 4. It was a great time!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Varanus bitatawa

Varanus bitatawa is a new species of lizard was discovered in the Philippines. The lizard is a close relative of the komodo dragon and is part of the monitor family. However unlike the komodo the new monitor has evolved into a vegetartian eating mostly fruits. It is six and a half feet long and lives in a highly populated area. So how has it managed to stay hidden for so long? Well one reason is that they live high in the trees. An average of 66 feet above the ground and spend an average of only 20 minutes per week on the ground. Scientists have not performed many surveys in the mountains where the lizard lives so that is another reason why it has not been noticed. The tribes people of the area have known for a long time that the lizards are there and they hunt it for their meat. Scientists are now performing many new surveys of this area because they believe other species could be hiding there. They are afraid with the rapid deforestation the lizards a canidate for extinction. If a six and a half foot lizard has hidden from science for all these years it makes you wonder what else is out there hiding!