Monday, March 22, 2010

State Results

At the state tournament the local wrestlers did very well. Jacob Bresciani went 0-2. Layton Graves was 1-2. Ian Kelton was 0-2. However, Zack Cantrell finished 8th and Brodie Scherer finished 7th. Wednesday before state Brodie's mom, Sarah, and I decorated SR 16 for the boys. We put signs up and put "Good Luck" and their names in paper cups on the antique mall fence. It was cold and hard to get everything put up but the boys saw it and it encouraged them so it was worth it! We had a lot of fun at state to! We got to go to Easton and Polaris. We also got to go out to eat and see alot of people! It was an overall great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. The signs looked great!
    I'm glad you guys all had a good time!
