Thursday, May 20, 2010


School is almost out I am SO excited! Even though there are only 6 days left of High School my college classes dont end until the 10th of June. But its just a few days a week so it wont be that bad! I cant believe that im going to be a senior! I feel like I was only a 7th grader two weeks ago! Its so crazy! Time goes by so fast. I cant wait for summer. I want it to get warm! Im sick of this cold and rainy weather. I have decided to go to college at West Virginia University after I graduate. I am going to study Human Nutrition and Food. I hope to become a nutritionist after college.


  1. Sounds to me you got everything figured out. Hope you do well in the future.

  2. You'll do great! I mean your already moving up with the Earl's job;)

  3. You will do good! But i do agree with the weather. April was like nice warm weather. And you get to the month where you wanna go on walks and all it every does is rain! Rain three days in a row is too much for me!
