Thursday, May 20, 2010


School is almost out I am SO excited! Even though there are only 6 days left of High School my college classes dont end until the 10th of June. But its just a few days a week so it wont be that bad! I cant believe that im going to be a senior! I feel like I was only a 7th grader two weeks ago! Its so crazy! Time goes by so fast. I cant wait for summer. I want it to get warm! Im sick of this cold and rainy weather. I have decided to go to college at West Virginia University after I graduate. I am going to study Human Nutrition and Food. I hope to become a nutritionist after college.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

School and Prom!

School is almost done! We have TWENTY days left! That is so exciting! Im definately ready for summer! I cant wait to get to sleep in and hae warm weather. I'm excited to be a senior! Ive already been looking at colleges and am going to vist West Virginia University this weekend. I'm also going to visit Ohio University soon. I'm not sure where I want to go yet but those two are my strongest intrests. Most colleges do not offer my major so I dont have a lot of choices. Wildlife management is not a very common major. I just cant wait to move out of this town and start college. I know that sounds crazy but I cant wait for it!

Prom was last week! It was a blast! I had so much fun. I ate at my house with Brodie and my parents and his. Then we went to get pictures at Clarys Garden! There were SO many people there! We drove a Pontiac G6 and were probably the 8th or 9th car in line. We got in really early and it was boring until more people came. But we never got rained on! Once more people got inside it was alot of fun. Everyone was dancing and having a great time! It was so hot in the gym though. I didnt really like most of the music selection. Afterwards I went to Brodies house and watched movies. I ended up going home around 4. It was a great time!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Varanus bitatawa

Varanus bitatawa is a new species of lizard was discovered in the Philippines. The lizard is a close relative of the komodo dragon and is part of the monitor family. However unlike the komodo the new monitor has evolved into a vegetartian eating mostly fruits. It is six and a half feet long and lives in a highly populated area. So how has it managed to stay hidden for so long? Well one reason is that they live high in the trees. An average of 66 feet above the ground and spend an average of only 20 minutes per week on the ground. Scientists have not performed many surveys in the mountains where the lizard lives so that is another reason why it has not been noticed. The tribes people of the area have known for a long time that the lizards are there and they hunt it for their meat. Scientists are now performing many new surveys of this area because they believe other species could be hiding there. They are afraid with the rapid deforestation the lizards a canidate for extinction. If a six and a half foot lizard has hidden from science for all these years it makes you wonder what else is out there hiding!

Monday, March 22, 2010

State Results

At the state tournament the local wrestlers did very well. Jacob Bresciani went 0-2. Layton Graves was 1-2. Ian Kelton was 0-2. However, Zack Cantrell finished 8th and Brodie Scherer finished 7th. Wednesday before state Brodie's mom, Sarah, and I decorated SR 16 for the boys. We put signs up and put "Good Luck" and their names in paper cups on the antique mall fence. It was cold and hard to get everything put up but the boys saw it and it encouraged them so it was worth it! We had a lot of fun at state to! We got to go to Easton and Polaris. We also got to go out to eat and see alot of people! It was an overall great weekend!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

State Wrestling Tournament

We had five area wrestlers make it to the state tournament! Coshocton is sending Zack Cantrell, Layton Graves, and Jacob Bresciani. River View is sending Brodie Scherer and Ian Kelton. The tournament is this Thursday through Friday. All of the wrestlers are going to have very tough first rounds! The tournament is held at the Schottenstein Center in Columbus. Wrestling starts at 3:00 pm Thursday and one session will be wrestled. On Friday wrestling starts at 10 a.m and two sessions will be wrestled. Saturday wrestling starts at 10 a.m and finals start at 5:30. The Tribune is doing a preview story about the tournament for Thursday's paper and will have live coverage on Friday and Saturday. Make sure to wish our wrestler's good luck!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Russian Ice Dancers

This year the theme for the ice skating original dance the skaters were to perform a folk dance. Some countries portrayed their own countries styles while others portrayed different countries. Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin from Russia portrayed Australian aboriginals. They have performed this dance at other competitions and have always been criticized for it. First, the aboriginals said that their outfits were nothing like what they wear. Then, they said the dance contained no original moves and it was more of the ice dancers interpretation of the aboriginals. The aboriginal leaders actual found the outfits and dance offensive. They were offended by Shabalin leading Domnina around by her pony tail, the dancers sticking out their tongues, and the hand over the mouth gesture which is actually contributed to American Indians. After they performed at the European Championships and were criticized they said they were going to make some changes. They did change their outfits but almost no changes were made to the dance. They also fell from 1st place to 3rd so it was not a gold winning dance. I personally watched this dance and thought it was ridiculous.

This Yahoo! Sports page has more information.

Friday, February 19, 2010


We have sectionals this weekend at Cardington. There will be 15 schools and around 129 wrestlers. Kevin didnt get his 100th win at ecol. He currently has 97 or 98 wins. We have really great brackets and it should be a great weekend. If a wrestler places at sectionals they make it on to districts. Then if the place at districts they make it to state! So hopefully we get some placers this weekend and we'll head to Heath next weekend for districts.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Tomorrow is the ECOL wrestling tournament. It is our last regular season meet. We will then have sectionals, districts, and state. We were supposed to foil the lockers on Tuesday but since we didnt have school we couldnt. We plan on foiling them next Tuesday so they will be ready for sectionals. The 112 pound weight class will be insane tomorrow. Bertubin the 112 from Cambridge is ranked number 1 on the Brakeman report in his division. Langdon from Claymont is ranked 3 in the same divison. And Scherer from River View is number 15. There will be alot of intense matches. Bertubin and Langdon will be a great one to watch. Also Kevin Lepley is projected to get his 100th career win tomorrow!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Hubble Space telescope images show that Pluto is changing color rapidly! It is showing more and more red color. In fact it is showing 20% more red color on its surface. These changes are unexpected because seasons can last up to 120 days on Pluto and it takes 248 years to orbit the sun. Scientists are saying that solar winds and other factors strip off the hydrogen in the atmosphere and leaves carbon-rich deposits on the surface which are red in color. These pictures were taken in 2002 but are just now being released because the scientist that found it thought he was wrong. After further examination he realized that these were real changes. Since Pluto's moon hadn't changed color it was not a equipment malfunction. They are still unsure of why the change happened so rapidly.

Monday, February 1, 2010

High Speed Railways

Today I heard of a plan to put new high speed railways all over the country. I think this is not a good idea. In our country too many people have cars and wont abandon them to ride a crowded public train. I also think that the system will take them a long time to build. Unless they are just going to pull up the old rails and put ones that can accomdate the high speed trains in they will have to aquire new real estate. This could take decades. I think it is a waste of money time and effort. The only good thing that will come from it is the new jobs it will create.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CHS Wrestling

On Thursday the Coshocton Junior High Invite will be held at home starting at 4 p.m. On Saturday there is a dual at home with weigh-ins starting at 1 p.m. Next Wednesday is the last home meet of the season. It is a tri-meet with Barnesville and John Glenn. Wednesday is also senior/parent night.